
Last December, a bunch of my office colleagues who are more like my best friends decided on a day trip to Lonavala. A lot of us wished if it could stretch to an entire weekend but many among us had permission issues from parents. Whole day went by, dancing, swimming, boozing and having fun and while we were an hour from returning back, few of us went on the roof.

The cold night of winter, sky full of stars and pleasant breeze was magnetic enough for all of us to unanimously take a decision of staying back the entire night. People who had permission issues called up home and started frantically convincing their parents. In the end, we stayed back. All of us went up the roof, put up pillows and lied down facing the sky. It wasn’t really spacious but each one of us, despite being congested, didn’t complain and didn’t move. The sight was exhilarating. Its nearly 6 months since that day but I still haven’t forgotten that moment. The sight of dark blanket of sky decorated with countless stars going into animation at short intervals because of shooting stars. I almost felt like leaving everything and moving to such a location, sleep on the rooftop each day or rather I wished if I could stop the time.

I feel there is a heavy price that we concrete jungle dwellers pay to enjoy the luxury of technologies and advancements. A probable reason why large number of people now have started moving to trekking, camping or nature trails. Life never gave me opportunities to travel and explore. But maybe, that trip to Lonavala has given me a reason to work hard in life, a strong desire to create such opportunities.


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